Because it promotes charitable purposes and advances public healthcare the Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe is, according to the notice of exemption by the tax office of Freiburg St-Nr 06469/47124 of March 13, 2017, exempt from corporate tax for the years 2013 to 2015 following §5 section 1 Nr. 9 of the German corporate tax law, and exempt from business tax following the German business tax law §3 Nr. 6. The adherence to the prerequisites as stated in the statute according to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 of the AO was separately recognised by the tax office of Freiburg, St-Nr 06469/47124, notice from December 20, 2013, following § 60a AO. We promote advances in public healthcare in accordance with our statute.
In order to keep the administrative costs at a low level, donation receipts are usually sent out as a summary confirmation in January of the following year. If you should wish to receive the donation receipt at some other point in time, please send a message to info(at)